Failure Matters

Mistakes are the Foundations of success. A memoir by Dr. Curtis L. Nelson III.

About Dr. Nelson

Dr. Curtis L. Nelson III was born and raised in West Louisville, Kentucky in a two-parent household with
two siblings. As early as five-years-old, he struggled with behavior problems
and by 15-years-old, he was lost.

After numerous suspensions and threats of expulsion throughout his adolescent years, by the time he was in high school, he gained early exposure to sex, drug experimentation and delinquent behaviors that led him to an alternative program and school. As a teenager, he was at his lowest point in life with no plan, vision, or hope. His future looked bleak. However, after spiritual enlightenment and a conversion experience with Christ, he became conscious. 

 In 2003, Dr. Nelson received a dual Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Sociology from the University of Louisville. At that time, he worked with at-risk children, adolescents, and families as a residential counselor. In 2006, Dr. Nelson earned a Master of Science in Social Work and graduated with his M.S.S.W. From 2006 to 2013, Dr. Nelson worked as an outpatient and inpatient clinical social worker for children and adults at a psychiatric hospital. He also worked as a licensed clinical social worker providing community-based therapy for another residential facility. 

After realizing the unique needs of the immediate community, in 2015, Dr. Nelson established Bluegrass Counseling Associates, LLC, a premier provider of quality and impactful behavioral health intervention services to children, adults and families. In 2018, after realizing that there were tangible resource needs concerning client families at his agency, he established Bluegrass Community Initiatives, a non-profit 501c3 to provide supplemental resources to client families on an as needed basis. 

Dr. Nelson lives with his wife and their two toddler children in Louisville, Kentucky. In July 2020, Dr. Nelson was recognized as one of Louisville’s Forty Under 40 by Louisville Business First. This is his first book.